What is a sober companion?

You just got sober and now you have tickets to the big game. Or, you don’t want to give up men’s night golfing. Or, maybe you don’t want to stop using or drinking but you also don’t want to cause any harm.
Getting out of a drug or rehab center is exciting and difficult at the same time. You have been in a very controlled environment and your day to day stresses have been put on the back burner. This is not a natural environment, this is not reality. Now, you are getting discharged and you are faced with putting your coping strategies in place on a daily basis. Your sobriety is in the balance. Days turn to weeks, weeks into months and slowly but surely you are getting further away from your recovery skills. Not only that but your recovery becomes a white knuckled approach to staying clean.
Now that you are home you are faced with the same people, the same friends and the same pressure that you left with. A lapse or relapse threatens all the progress you have made in treatment. We have a solution, sober companion.
Or, perhaps you don’t want to quit using or drinking at all. But, you seem to end up blacking out, passing out or putting yourself and others into risky situations when you use or drink. You don’t want to do that anymore so you look to a sober companion to reduce risk.

You can’t remember the last family event because you were blacked out. This one though…this is a biggie. You have to keep it together or she will never forgive you.
There will be events in life that you have gotten through by using drugs or alcohol. Perhaps the night typically ends in your family being embarrassed or in a black out and you can’t even remember what happened.
That can all change with a sober companion. You might only need a sober escort during a particular event such as golf outing, wedding, corporate event or another event that will be triggering for you. Your daughter or son deserves a sober parent at their wedding. You don’t have to hire a sober companion for 30-days to use one. We can accompany you to any event that might be triggering for you. Or meet you before, during and after the event until the urges subside. We want you to successfully manage event, not avoid them.
How does it work?
Reduce risk.

Maybe you aren’t in recovery but you know that you have no more ‘chances’ left. The last time you were at the game the only thing you remember is what they told you. Then you drove home. You put lives at risk because of your use. No more!
When working with a client, their family and/or friends recovery goals are established immediately and may include a support groups, help establishing nutrition and fitness daily, medication therapy or other holistic practices. The primary duty of a sober coach is to ensure that you don’t relapse. We can be hired to provide around the clock care, be on-call, or to accompany the recovering addict during particular activities. A companion acts as an advocate for the newly recovering person and provides new ways for the you to act in your own living environment. A sober companion either completely removes the addict from his own environment of hidden stashes, or may search for hidden drugs in their own environment, in an effort to prevent them from lapsing or relapsing. An engagement with a sober companion can be from a single day or event to 30 days or longer. Sober companions help reduce risk of relapse as well as reduce the risk of harm.
Sober companions are sometimes hired in cases where an actor, musician, athlete or executive will not attend treatment, or cannot attend treatment, but must remain abstinent to complete a film, recording project, sporting event or run a business. Sober companions act as “advocates” for actors, athletes, executives, musicians, and other celebrities in order to help save their lives. But, Sober companions are not just for celebrities, executives and athletes, but a sober companion can by used by anyone in any kind of recovery: drugs, alcohol, sex, food, pornography, work.
Let’s Work Together!
If you are in need of reducing the risk of relapse or the harm to yourself or others, then hire a sober companion today.