920 268-3217 located in Neenah, WI | IL| MN | MI | IA steve@interventions360.com

Brain Health to Improve Recovery

You’re sober but your brain doesn’t realize it yet.

Schedule a free brain health consult

You’re tired all the time now, but you’re sober.

You’re so tired all day but you can’t shut your brain off to go to sleep.  You have no drive to do anything despite pounding the coffee and energy drinks.  You don’t know it, but you are ‘this close’  to relapse.  

Quitting drinking and drugging can be a challenge for your body and brain.  You might know that because this is most likely not the first time you have thought about quitting or attempted to quit.  Your body has been put through hell from the alcohol and drugs and it will rebel when you quit.  This rebellion feels like extreme fatigue, sadness, brain fog, lack of concentration, irritability only to name a few. 

That is unless you give it what it actually needs….brain food otherwise known as neuronutrient support and amino acid therapy.  Our desire is to help you quit and to stay quit.  More importantly we want to share with you an easier way to stop drinking and using drugs and one that doesn’t require a ‘white knuckling’ approach.  Your body is like a freight train.  When it is fueled properly it can swiftly accomplish pulling tons of weight behind it.  But when it lacks fuel, or doesn’t have the correct fuel it will chug along or seize up.  When we fuel our bodies and brains correctly or functioning will improve.  Not only that but the desire to use decreases.  


White knuckling and thinking your way out of a relapse is old school thinking.  When you are craving a substance it’s your body’s way of telling you that it needs to be fed.  You can feed it with substances, or you can feed it with food.   

Chances are even the rehab you were at filled your body with sugar.  This was actually setting you up for a path of destruction and a big case of ‘white knuckling’ sobriety.   Often people in early recovery have a big old sweet tooth.  This sweet tooth indicates neurotransmitter imbalance that needs to be corrected immediately!

Filling your body with nutrients and brain food (amino acids) is our front line approach to helping you feel better faster and find your spark again!  Most of our clients report feeling ‘GREAT!’ within the first two weeks.   In order to find out what we need to target for rejuvenation, we start the process with a simple lab test.  This lab will tell use the neurotransmitter (brain messengers) that we need to target.  

When your diet is deficient in the proper nutrients it needs, then your brain is deficient or out of balance in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA, glutamate and adrenaline. Since most people are eating a diet that is toxic and lacking in nutrients, nutritional deficiencies are usually present in heavy drinkers, drug users and  even in the binge drinker.


Stop white knuckling!

The #1 relapse predictor

When you were using you didn’t eat much did you?  Now that you are sober you have no idea how to eat, what to eat or if you are even feeling hungry.   But, not eating is the number one predictor of relapse. 

The best vitamins for recovery are those that are easily absorbed.  This is because alcohol and drugs have wreaked havoc on your digestion.  So, we need to work on repairing that at the same time.   Choosing high quality supplements will make a huge difference in your success.  This is an area that we don’t skimp on.  

But…You Have to Eat Again!

The biggest predictor of a relapse is not eating.  Skipping meals or not eating altogether will interfere with your recovery.  It is important to learn what and how to eat again.  Low blood sugar (reactive hypoglycemia) will make you vulnerable to relapse.  This is probably the most important part of your recovery plan.   Together we will work out a nutrition plan that is right for you.

With improved nutrition and nutrient support you can get back to your family and live your life fully again!

You’ve spent years under chronic stress.  Your body has aches and pains and your health is suffering.  You can’t focus on anything and experience brain fog.  

Self care is a necessary part of recovery for family members.  Regardless if your loved one is still using or has quit using your brain and body have been suffering. 

Filling your body with nutrients and brain food (amino acids) is our front line approach to helping you feel better faster and find your spark again!   In order to find out what we need to target for rejuvenation, we start the process with a simple lab test.  This lab will tell use the neurotransmitter (brain messengers) that we need to target.  We will also test how healthy your stress response is.  Typically the stress response will show adrenal fatigue due to the excessive amount of stress you have been experiencing.  

When your diet is deficient in the proper nutrients it needs, then your brain is deficient or out of balance in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA, glutamate and adrenaline. Since most people are eating a diet that is toxic and lacking in nutrients, nutritional deficiencies are usually present.  It is extremely helpful to take care of your brain and body’s needs in order to recover your own life. 


Family members need brain health too!

Let’s Work Together!

Let’s find the imbalance and work to fix it!